Student perspectives About Nontraditional Classrooms

The Student Initiative Center (SIC) at Chabot College is a unique learning environment. It was conceived and founded by Chabot students who had grown concerned about the alarming drop-out rates of their fellow students. Their goal was to create a space that did not look or function anything like the typical sterile classrooms that most learning takes place in, and in which--in their opinion--students simply do not thrive. 

Elsewhere on this website we offer an in-depth exploration of what makes the  SIC so effective. We invite you to explore the SIC webpages to learn more. The TEA team supports you to create similar spaces on your own campus. 

In this post, students offer their perspectives about learning, working, and interacting in a nontraditional space like the SIC.  

The SIC made the class more creative and open because generally a classroom has rows of chairs but the SIC allowed everyone to sit facing each other.

Being in a comfortable and creative environment helped me focus more in class.

I like that it doesn't feel like a class. It's more open and it's not boring like a lot of other classes.

Working in the SIC really made me feel more comfortable as it had a WAYYYY more open space compared to a traditional classroom. Working in a traditional classroom can sometimes be quite boring and tiring but here, I was actually switching from the couch to the chairs to the tables and never got bored.

The SIC is unique because it doesn’t look like your ordinary classroom that has a small space, and all the desks barely fit because they are all close to each other. I also like that the room is big because when we work on our projects we have enough space to work.

Working at the SIC was one of the highlights of this English class. It broke the traditional setting of a classroom and made me want to volunteer and be more engaged in class. If we stuck to the original classroom setting, I would have just stayed quiet in the corner of the classroom. 

I loved how open the room was and could choose to sit by like a sofa or a table when given the opportunity to. It felt like a conference room and  made me look forward to going to class.

 I sometimes get anxious going to the classroom where desks are facing a whiteboard and the teacher just teaches there. The SIC made the class more fun and made time fly by really fast. 

I liked how the room was open and big where you can freely talk to your classmates and work together. I also liked how there were tools and materials for anything you may need for a project or a paper. I felt freedom walking inside the classroom.

Working in the SIC was an amazing experience. It was not like any other English classroom, but I felt more engaged because of my surrounding area. The SIC was a lot better than the classroom we were originally in, dark and gloomy. The SIC had access to a fridge, television, computer, multiple desks and couches where students can sit down while doing their school work. This, by far, was the best English classroom I was in. 

I actually like coming here because it's more like a clubhouse. The room is well decorated, and I feel relaxed coming here.

I loved how we were really hands on in the class and it always felt like group work. I never felt alone in this class. Working in the SIC felt like we were all a team who have the same mindset and are trying to reach one goal. I liked the music in the SIC while we were learning it calmed me down a lot and I was less stressful. I like drawings around the SIC, it made me feel at home. It was truly a great experience and the vibes were great.

Every time I walk in, I feel empowered.


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