Action Learning

Action Learning is a pedagogy and teaching modality that invites students and teachers to develop and implement actions to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis. 

In the face of the Climate Crisis, Teach Earth Action encourages teachers to integrate Action Learning into their classrooms. There are three reasons for this: 

  1. Research demonstrates the effectiveness of Action Learning.

  2. The climate crisis requires actual solutions.  Action Learning positions students to provide these solutions.

  3. When students learn about the Climate Crisis, they ask, “What can I DO?”  Action Learning enables students to answer that question in active and positive ways.

 Get started with Action Learning

Examples of Action Learning

A City and College Collaboration

Passion and Purpose

Knowledge Garden

Student Initiative Center

FRESH Food and Life Pantry

A Sustainability Center

 Research on Action Learning

Action Learning has been shown to yield a number of benefits ranging from deeper learning of academic content, to stronger motivation to learn, to application to career and workplace settings.

The research is overwhelmingly positive about the value of Action Learning. When students engage with real-world problems, students develop skills around social inquiry and community responsibility.

“I learned a lot more about my community through this class than any other. This strategy is brilliant as it gets the audience's attention because of the relatable topic.”  ~Chabot College student

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