

Teach Earth Action’s work is grounded in these 7 pillars:

Love — 3  kinds. The first is Love for one’s own discipline. When faculty explore what drew them to their discipline, this sets the stage for rethinking how they make choices in the classroom.  2nd is Love for the students we serve. Call it Concern or Care or Commitment—or Love—it is the foundation for all our interactions with students. 3rd is Love for planet Earth. Tapping into these three kinds of Love allows us to become our own “Best Person.”  

From this position of Best Person we are best able to really hear Student Voice. We invite student voices into all aspects of our work because we trust that students are experts at understanding the truths of their own education, and how they respond to the Climate Crisis.  

Coming from a place of Love and incorporating Student Voice into our work are the central preconditions for uncovering and  unleashing Capacity. We know that we can do more as educators; our professionalism demands that we demand more of our students and more  of ourselves. 

Capacity informs our Design sensibility as we develop our projects, initiatives, and our Practices.

Our work doesn’t remain in isolation –our individual practices need to be shared out and scaled up. This is done in the Spaces we create and nurture. When we engage our frontline and fenceline students and community members, confront local environmental hazards and climate vulnerability, while addressing the inextricable global forces threatening our species, biodiversity, and very existence our pillars come together. Without climate Justice , climate action will not be sustainable.  



Three kinds of love



Design your teaching

Student Voice

An untapped resource



Gardeners of human potential


Do more than expected



Returning to Querencia



All futures intersect with climate