Climate Literacy
In this section, we focus on climatizing the college learning experience from Climate Literacy to climatizing curriculum. All of our students deserve a climatizing education, a learning experience that connects them back through the earth’s systems so they can see and feel how their education matters to the health of the planet. A basic and thorough understanding of how the earth’s climate and ecosystems work and what human activities impact it both positively and negatively is fundamental to a college degree, at this dire time in our history.
There are many fantastic governmental, non-profit, and higher education bodies promoting climate education. Every week there is a new sustainability, climate change, and more recently climate justice program, degree or certificate coming out. Increasingly these programs are interdisciplinary. Teach Earth Action collects data, models, and inspiration from these programs, believing that making resources, models, and powerful examples widely available will help teachers and institutions rise to the climate crisis.
Foremost for Teach Earth Action is that learning involves and leads to action and agency. We are against any form of education that warehouses students, that silos them, and ignores that we are fundamentally connected to each other and to this earth. Integrating the earth into all of our disciplines makes the earth live for our students; out of the many years of teaching students about climate change and climate justice, we cannot recall any students who are not grateful for and inspired by the living earth and its climate.