Samples of Climatized Disciplines

We asked a room full of teachers to climatize, earthify their curriculum anywhere on the continuum from lesson to unit to course to program. The highlighted disciplines show some of what they came up with. We captured their work in a single sentence just to share the idea. Many instructors we have worked with, have reworked their entire course to teach it through a climate action or climate justice framework. 

  • Africana Studies Green Electrification of Sub-Saharan Africa as a Pathway to Development and Independence 

  • Communications Braiding Environmental Justice and Climate Change to bring the people and the scientists together

  • Dance Biodiversity in a Healthy Kelp Forest

  • Early Childhood Development Introducing Children to Ecosystems through Sustainable Food Gardens 

  • History Extraction as Empire and Devastation

  • Media Studies Anthropomorphising the Living Earth into Oblivion

  • Statistics Costing out Climate reparations vs. climate chaos in the population centers most vulnerable and/or the least responsible for global warming

  • Women’s Studies Understanding How Educating Girls is One of the Top 5 Strategies for Mitigating Climate Change