Students Respond to COVID-19

Staying IN: Hayward: a response to COVID-19

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A mere 3 weeks into the 2020 Bay Area Covid-19 lockdown, the Student Initiative Center at Chabot College partnered with the City of Hayward to create the website: “Staying IN: Hayward.” Chabot students created almost 100 slide and video presentations, with each one translated into another language. Over 20 different languages were represented. The goal of the website was to provide life-hacks, projects, recipes, exercise routines, etc. that Hayward housebound residents could employ in the face of this new and scary disease. 

Prior to the lockdown, these students had been engaged in a completely different initiative with the city, but with the help of Chabot’s Student Initiative Center, these students were able to pivot immediately to this new project. 

This alacrity is a hallmark of Action Learning, and the resulting website is a treasure trove of student creativity, empathy, and resourcefulness that the Hayward community  benefited from.