Untold Stories and Peer Advocacy
When it comes to climate action, TEA works with campuses to support unprecedented levels of student engagement. Students have always and will always spoken up, made demands and called injustices out and TEA loves and honors this agency. But we feel that given some more space, platform and support that student desire to do something about climate change and climate justice can extend to many more students and be expressed in ways that take action now, cause transformation now. Student action should not be warehoused while the planet overheats.
This movie serves as an example of Student Voice at its most dynamic and impactful. Under their own impetus, Chabot College students began an unprecedented OutReach effort to bring new students to college. They reached out to 3000 prospective students. These Chabot peer advocates worked tirelessly for 5 weeks: calling, texting, meeting personally with prospective students, and much more. They helped directly sign up 150 new students. They cleared up problems and answered questions for another 500, who then were able to sign themselves up. In addition, they offered support for an additional 500 students who WERE signed up, but who still had questions. In just 3 weeks this project helped bring hundreds of new students to Chabot--enabling new dreams to begin--and the project also helped to address Chabot's fiscal shortage. This student-run project generated a lot of FTES dollars for Chabot College.